The Occupation of Our Lives Introduction.

Dear Reader.

Prior to this time last year, an ugly massacre broke upon the heads of innocent civilians in the city of Gaza. The Gaza massacre was a three-week military conflict between Israel and the Gaza strip that took place during the winter of 2008-2009. Almost 1,400 were killed in the bloodshed and more than 5,300 Palestinians have been injured and 4,000 houses were destroyed. According to Amnesty International chemical weapons were also used in the civilian areas.

A group of Palestinians living in and outside of Palestine joined together to support one cause; that was to help raise awareness and organize campaigns that educated the public about the struggle the people of Gaza and Palestinians as a whole that face on a daily basis due to the occupation. Joining from North, East, South, and West of the globe, a title that held a true meaning to their lives; The Occupation of Our Lives.

As The Occupation of Our Lives believed that people should start paying more attention to what’s happening in Palestine, starting from 1948, where the state of Israel was created, to the Massacres Israel and the Zionists movement have committed against Palestinians such Deir Yassin massacre and the recent Gaza massacre, and the latest invasion of Al- Aqsa mosque.

It’s been almost 62 years since Palestine has been occupied, and The Occupation of Our Lives is on its way of raising awareness and organizing campaigns that provides information to the public about Israel’s war crimes against the Palestinians. This group of individuals has not only been created for Gaza but for Palestine in general, because not only Gazans are suffering the pain of occupation but the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Arabs living inside the green line. Palestinians all over the land suffer everyday from the Israeli occupation and it has gone for so long, that the public should start taking reasonable actions and The Occupation of Our Lives is aiding and guiding the public to achieve this goal.

In conclusion, the Occupation of Our Lives needs everyone to join the cause to help stop the killing and slaughtering of Palestinians, to stop the invasion of Al-Aqsa Mosque and to stop the racist acts done to the Palestinians living inside the green line.


The Occupation of Our Lives team.